- Манхва Способ защитить тебя, дорогой | A Way to Protect the Lovable You | Dajeonghan geudaereul jikineun bangbeob
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- A Way To Protect The Lovable You
- A Way To Protect The Lovable You manga about:
- How to keep your sweetheart
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Манхва Способ защитить тебя, дорогой | A Way to Protect the Lovable You | Dajeonghan geudaereul jikineun bangbeob
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Информация о манге
Томов: 1, выпуск продолжается
Издательство: Kakao (Daum Kakao)
Журнал: Kakao Page
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Интересные факты
Когда я открыла глаза, то уже стала герцогиней. Однако что-то было не так. Дошло до того, что я стала главной героиней, но оказалось, что герцогиней я была только по статусу. На самом же деле вся прислуга издевается надо мной, а муж и вовсе игнорирует. Какая жалкая жизнь! Боже, я не знаю, что же мне делать дальше.
«Буду просто наслаждаться своим чаем» — подумала я.
«Ты приготовишь для меня тот чай в следующий раз?»
Что не так с моим мужем и его холодным отношением ко мне?!
A Way To Protect The Lovable You
Briefly about A Way To Protect The Lovable You manga: When the first chapters came out, I didn’t expect anything at all from this manhwa. But now I run to read its chapters first of all. Although I have a whole list of unread updates myself. Make millions more chapters of this manhwa I’m really excited about it. Each chapter I read in the same breath.
I wasn’t expecting anything special. Just a pure plot twist, a plot twist, so to speak. But these chapters stirred up quite a bit of emotion in me. Although that’s usually hard to do. Yes, there are clichés here. But the characters still seem more alive than usually happens. The plot is interesting enough, too. The artwork is also good. The main characters aren’t dumb, pulling the rubber, I don’t think they’re going to. In short, all in all, wonderful, I like it. Rating deserved. Now we’re just waiting for the next installment and hope that the title won’t lower the bar.
A Way To Protect The Lovable You manga reading will be a real adventure for you on the best Manga website. So, on MANGAEFFECT you have a great opportunity to Read manga online in English.
It can be assumed that the heroine is a reincarnation of the goddess. Since she disappeared leaving half of her soul in a black pebble. She also looks like a goddess. It could also be argued that she is a true saint. As for the hero, he is more of a reincarnation of the dragon. As far as the silhouette is concerned they are similar. Yes and the fact that after touching the seal it began to collapse. And the heroine’s mother began to have strange wounds that looked like a disease.
A Way To Protect The Lovable You manga about:
What about the wings, the 9th wing was already meant for the heroine. Next, the loyalty of the 3rd wing began to deteriorate. Which means that it will also become the heroine’s wing. And we can assume that this will happen to all the other wings. Honestly, it really pissed me off that she’s actually a good person. And she was not the one who did all these dirty things and so on. I was eager for the truth to be revealed (not yet fully revealed).
Read [название манги] (manhua , manhwa) and others Japanese comics and Korean manhwa or Chinese manhua on MANGAEFFECT in Romance manga genre.
The plot is good even very good, the drawing is not bad, the glass is available (this is natural) I liked it and you advise. A must-read for everyone, I read at night and of course I cried. It’s a real tearjerker. And the artwork is gorgeous. I think there will be even more drama in the future. It doesn’t have all the pussyfooting and all the tenderness. There’s characters going through violent events.
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How to keep your sweetheart
اسماء اخرى
سنة الانتاج
تزوجت من رجل يكرهني.
كان من الواضح أن والدتي قتلت عائلته.
“أريدك أن تقطع وعدا قبل الزواج. بعد نصف عام، أريدك أن تطلقني “.
“إنه زواج اجباري. لا أعتقد أن هناك حاجة لمواصلة زواج غير مرغوب فيه “.
“أنا لا أريد ذلك، إنه زواج.”
كرر كلماته بكل وضوح.
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😍😍😍😍😍😍😭😭😭😭😂😂حبييييتتتتتت مررره يجنن
بس تحزن كلهم مو عارفين حقيقتها انها طيبه 💔💔💔💔 وكله من امها😩😩😩